How can you possibly still be beautiful when you feel sick, look ill and have no interest in caring if true beauty is portrayed from within or not? Honestly, let me tell you what I feel like today. My head hurts. My sinuses are stopped up. My face is swollen, and I can't stop sneezing. I put on very little make-up this morning, threw some gel in my hair and could really care less if anyone saw me. I am trying not to talk because I sound like a nasally frog. I'm tired and ready to crawl in bed with some NyQuil. I don't feel that friendly which could easily be mistaken for rudeness, BUT I am at work and have errands to run. So, time to throw on a half-smile and get to it...
While at the store, I was engrossed in my own agenda just trying to get what I needed and head out without anyone noticing that I looked a mess. I mean, it's North Dallas where everything is bling, glitz and glam! But someone WAS watching me. Not in a weird, creepy sort of way though. As I was standing in line, I noticed this lady was staring at me. I politely smiled, and then she said the last thing I would have expected. "Wow, I just wanted to tell you that you are sooooo beautiful!"
WTHeck?!? I was so shocked that I ran straight to the bathroom when I got back to the office to see if I could see what she saw...well, that and I had to blow my nose. Nope, I still looked and felt like I did the last time I checked. So, if it wasn't outer beauty and she never had a chance to judge my inner beauty, then what was it that she saw?
This instance reminded me that we are made of a body, soul AND spirit; all of which are crafted in God's image. Since the body and soul were weary, I can only conclude that it must have been my spirit that she saw or felt. Something different, something beautiful. But how and why?
I believe that when we are surrendered to Christ, our spirit man undoubtedly reflects Him which also allows Him to shine through even when we are at our dullest moments physically. Now how beautiful is that?
But I guess if you look at the flip side of the coin, it could also mean that even the most beautiful person can still be ugly if their spirit man is a reflection of something other than Christ. And given today's assessment, it seems like some people subconsciously pay attention to that stuff...or at least their spirit does!
So, apparently our spirit is a mirror. Who are we reflecting?
P.S. Normally, I would have NEVER uploaded a pic like that! lol