Thursday, August 3, 2017

Now and Forever

Normally, I don't acknowledge "dating" anniversaries, but today is special to me. Twenty years ago, Jeremy handed me a little stuffed bear and pack of Big Red and told me for the first time that he couldn't stop thinking about me.😊 Now twenty years later and I can't stop thinking about HIM!😘 Now and forever... 

How fun that we get to celebrate this evening together by picking out interior paint, flooring, tile and a front door for our home that is finally slated to break ground in a few weeks. Woohoo! The pre-sale aka "waiting" phase is over! I had no idea all this stuff gets chosen so early though. We get to choose every aspect of it before the foundation is even laid! It's so exciting and I'm loving it! I have to assume this is similar to the joy our Father feels when he intricately designed our very being and established the blue print for our lives before we were ever formed in the womb. He chose my eye color before I could see and my direction before I could walk. He must love me. Now and forever...

Just this morning I read a Scripture about God's love and the fact that NOTHING can separate us from the love of Christ. What makes His love so strong? Since the beginning of this year, I have really been asking God to give me a better understanding of His love, to SHOW me. I want to feel it and I want to KNOW it. I want to make sure there is no room for doubt. I don't question Jeremy's love for me because he tells me. I can see it in the sacrifices he makes for me and the selfless ways that he cares for me. Now and forever...

But how do you receive love from someone you can't see? Today, it was revealed in His handiwork. I was reminded of Christ's love for me when I realized the amount of detail and effort that went into creating me before I was even someone else's thought. I can't begin to understand God's capacity to love because I am limited by mine. Yet His love knows know bounds, so even the pride and joy that I have experienced with each of my kids or even (finally) designing my own home is nothing compared to the magnificence of His heart towards me. Thank you, Lord for making it personal to me on this special day. It's a love that no one can take away and a bond no thing can break. Now and forever...

It's crazy how just the parallels of building a house can bring so much revelation. There is growth in the process, and I'm so thankful Jeremy and I get to walk through this new journey hand in hand...Now and forever.

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