Saturday, June 24, 2017

The Waiting Game...

Thursday, June 8th-Hurry up and wait. That's what today has been. We finally made it to closing arguments around 2pm and it was more difficult than I anticipated. Listening to the defense address the jury and accuse a child of "crying wolf," then telling her the motive for her continued lie is that "if she recanted her story now then she would lose everybody in the courtroom there to support her" actually ended up being one of the biggest lies of the day. Our love for her is not conditional! But in forced silence we sat, unable to protest and unable to disagree. All I could do was shake my head in disgust. Luckily, "Jane" knows the truth.

But nothing hit harder than hearing a twisted truth from the defendant himself. He took the stand and shared a testimony I'm glad I wasn't allowed to hear. But it was so unfathomable that the prosecution referenced it in closing arguments against him. How can a father declare he has never loved his daughter? He admitted to NEVER uttering the words "I love you" to her and never wanting her. He admitted neglect and rejection and literally, just didn't care. As a parent, heck as a human being, I will NEVER understand.

Keeping a straight face in the midst of my raging emotion was more than a challenge. Jeremy sat there seething and teary-eyed. Jane stayed fearless, emotionless. She took the ridiculous and false allegations against her character like a champ. But then the prosecution came out like a roaring lion, validating all and turning the tide on them instead. They addressed every attempt at "(un)reasonable" doubt cast by the defense with details not suitable for children. And yet, here we the trial of a father who "allegedly" sexually abused his child, his daughter. Jane didn't just hear it; she lived it.

We are now back in the Victim's Assistance suite of the DA's office just waiting on someone to tell us a verdict has been reached. However, as we near 5pm, I fear that the deliberation will push into tomorrow and we will be sent home once again.

In the meantime, no matter what is decided by man, I have chosen to stand on Deut 32:35 which says, "It is mine to avenge; I will repay. In due time, their foot will slip; their day of disaster is near and their doom rushes upon them."

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