Thanks for tuning in to my ongoing fasting saga. I am in the middle of week two, and I have to say that I am holding up well! I think…Yesterday, I walked into the house swearing that I could smell delicious blueberry muffins, but Britt said she hadn’t made any. Oddly enough, all Jeremy could smell yesterday was A-1 Steaksauce. Can you have a “smelling hallucination”? What else would you call that? Weird, especially since I never even think about muffins.
So, let’s recap the last few days. Last Friday, I caught my finger in the blender while trying to make my fruit smoothie for the evening. Saturday, I peed more than I ever have and am still continuing to do so. By Tuesday, I am smelling things that aren’t there. Ready for the positive?
Well, in week 2, God has been dealing with me on the quality of time that I spend with my children. This revelation was heartbreaking for me. Out of 168 hours in the week, I get to spend an average of 27 hours with my family after I take out work, church and sleep. That was shocking! Of those 27 hours, I still have to factor in time for grocery shopping, laundry, 3 pets, 2 kids, 2 teens and a hubby. By the time I add in “me” time, the quality of time that I spend with my kids is rushed and my hubby is pushed off. I began to realize that Javin and Kadi were STARVING for my attention. While I may have been doing it unintentionally, it was being done consciously. After all, I am the one that ultimately makes my own life’s schedule. So, I have decided to rearrange a few things in the effort that my children are not getting shoved off into the margin of my life instead of being the content. Thank you, Lord, for revealing that to me before any more time is lost.
Here’s something else: Have you ever noticed that when you’re fasting, the creative juices seem to flow more freely? Maybe it’s just me...like my blueberry muffins or something. Anyway, I wrote this song on my way to work. I mean, I sing new songs to my Creator all the time, but this one just seemed to flow out of me faster than I could sing it! It’s quite catchy; now I just need to pound out some chords for it. Fun!!!
Lastly, I can actually feel the prayers of the people that are supporting me. This is definitely a supernatural thing going on! Thanks!
Well, that’s all for now. Tune in next time for the third leg of my journey as I begin preparations for the Juice portion.
I keep smelling coffee...and I don't make it or drink it! My house, the studio, even outside at times...so weird. I guess I'll have some coffee when my fast ends?!