Friday, January 8, 2010

And the Journey Begins!

Many churches across America are taking part in a 21-day fast usually modeled after the Daniel fast referenced in chapter 10. Of course, any individual can fast whatever God lays on their heart whether it be certain types of food, media or technology. Covenant McKinney began on January 4th, and we were also asked to keep a journal throughout the fast. I had originally decided to fast from sweets and caffeine…so, I thought…well, God has a sense of humor, and since I appear to be the butt of His jokes lately, the following seemed rather fitting.

On Day one while driving to work, I began to thank God for who He is all the while decreeing and declaring things for 2010, praying for the church leadership, explaining to Him why I am fasting and what I am believing for, etc. Then I got to the part where I said, “God, I trust you completely in everything.” Immediately, I heard, “Then why do you complain about it?” Wow, talk about eye-opening. Then, I felt like God was telling me to fast from complaining as well. Not happy. So of course, the first thing out my mouth literally was, “Are you kidding me? That is too hard!” …and there it is again! So, needless to say, I will not be complaining for 21 days. Remember, He always has the last laugh.

Later that day, I began to research fasting from a spiritual perspective so that I could better understand the sacrifice, the benefits and the “why’s” surrounding this 21-day attempt. My mom was able to offer some amazing insight from her pastor at Grace Covenant Church in Charlotte, NC. Here are a couple tidbits:
*Fasting is a spiritual atomic bomb; a new key to unlock doors that couldn't be opened.
*The discipline of fasting releases the anointing, the favor and the blessing of God in the life of a Christian. ~ Jentezen Franklin
*It is not dieting, not a proof of spiritual superiority, not a way to manipulate God, not a religious mandate, but a humbling of yourself before God; an open invitation.
*The spiritual discipline of fasting is to be a normal routine of our relationship with God. (Matt 9:15)
*When we fast, our motive should be to fast unto the Lord, not for the praise of people. (Matt 6:16-18)
*Fasting is a means of dying to ourselves so that God might reign in a greater way in our lives. I Cor 15:31, Eph 4:22-24.
*The spiritual discipline of fasting, partnered with prayer, is not a means to impress God and earn His acceptance, but it can bring breakthrough in our lives.

One of the breakthroughs that I am believing for is in reference to my health. Here is the back-story in a nutshell. After getting mono in May of 2008, my immune system went haywire. Over the last 18 months I have been diagnosed with several autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (underactive thyroid), Addison’s disease (low cortisol), Ankylosing Spondilitis (type of arthritis in my back/joints), Osteopenia…and the list goes on. In Jan/Feb of last year, my doctor was convinced that I had Lymphoma due to nodules on my thyroid and some test results that had come back. Long story short, I went to an oncologist, had several tests run and they couldn’t find whatever my endocrinologist saw. Praise the Lord on that one! Anyway, in the summer of last year, Pastor Kevin prophesied over me saying the God was going to give me a new central nervous system, that He was going to heal the pain in my hips (I was having trouble walking), etc, etc. I am going somewhere with all this, I promise.

So, on Day 2 and somehow by accident, I came across the benefits of Therapeutic Fasting ( health reasons. If this is how God wants to heal me, then so be it! I could not believe the stuff I was reading. Though the results stem from an extended juice and water fast, your digestive system basically goes into hibernation while the rest of your body is going through a strenuous process of ridding your body of toxins, dead cells, tumors, etc. It also “resets” damaged organs and is highly beneficial to those with autoimmune disorders. I would love to just be healed instantaneously, that would be a miracle. But God promised to “heal” me, and healing is a process. Google it! So, I have prayed for wisdom and direction and this is where I am being led. (Oh, sidenote, I also accidentally licked an OREO that day trying to get it to stick to someone’s car as a birthday prank. I think the jury is still out on whether that constitutes actually breaking a fast or not. I’m going with the latter.)

Back on track: On Day 3, Wednesday, I made up my mind to start prepping my body for the 2nd part of the process which I anticipated to begin on Friday with the end goal of working towards a water fast. So, I started eating less in an effort to shrink my stomach…and my appetite!

On Thursday, I called my doctor and received his full approval and support…which I had not expected. That gave me the peace I needed to start my graduated fast.

Today is Friday and the first day of my liquid fast. So far so good. This is now the 2nd leg of the voyage. I will be doing strained soups and liquids until the 18th. At that time, I will switch strictly to 4 days of clear juices followed by the final 3 days of water only. I have been told that for a person with my conditions, this is next to impossible to do unless you are secluded in a stress-free environment under constant medical care. I am ready for the challenge, and I have a great support system! Jeremy has even offered to do it with me. And don’t forget, this must all be done with no complaining! Whew!
So, lucky for me! I get a fast with a two-fold purpose: spiritual and physical! This is only Day 5, and I have already received so much revelation! Bring on the growth! (Prayer is greatly appreciated.)

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